I am currently associated with a number of organisations, companies or groups. The associations allow me to learn new skills, gain confidence, experience and exposure. They also offer potential networking opportunities.
360 Theatre - HNCD Productions (Glos Col - Performing Arts HNC/D Students)
Jamie Parry: jamieparrywork.wixsite.com/mysite
Matt Kuter: mattkuterperformingarts.weebly.com
Connor Mckewan: mconnor776.wixsite.com/connorhnc
Riley Tinton: rileytintonportfolio.weebly.com
Jessy Ried: jessyreiduk.weebly.com
Jay Greening:
Bethany Coates: https://www.instagram.com/bethanycoatesportfolio/
Zumba - Dance Fitness with Natalie
The Dean Theatre Company
Dancing With Meg
Lewis Hutton SInging Tuition