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Murder Mystery 'Santa's Winter Meltdown'

Writer's picture: Jonathan BurnsJonathan Burns

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Initial discussion with Event Commisoners

This was the first opportunity to communicate with the commissioners to gain an understanding of their expectations and also to explore details. We had accumulated a number of questions that need to be covered so we could then start to divise our performance piece for the event.

Pricing: It was important to work towards finding a ticket price for the event. As we are offering our services for free, we have no upfront expenses to cover on our side. Everyone involved from the performers to catering will be working for free. Most of the others costs are also covered by the college, so the primary costs involved is purchase of food ingredients for the event. We esitmated the food may cost aound £10 per person. With the combination of the meal and the performance, we have suggested a ticket price of £25-30 per head. This would be able to provide a decent proffit per head which would able to raise roughly £600-£1000 if all tickets are sold.

Dates: The commisioners are looking to host the event late November-Early December. We felt December would be more approriate due to the Christmas theme. It also distances the event from other holidays such as Halloween. The commissioners provided Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday evenings as possible days. This was useful as we had already agreed amonsgt the group that Thursday would be the most suitable day. The reasons being is that on these day, the Venue (Forest of Dean campus), be be free to use and also be allowed to stay open into the evening. The event needed to be held before the end of term, so we concluded the event will be staged on the 8th of December.

Should audience show up in costume: We were unsure if we should be inclusive when it comes to the guests clothing. Obviously as performers we would be costumed in character in the style of the era we set the perfomance. As the event is to be hosted near Christmas, the idea would be that guests have the option to dress in the style of the era, in suits, dresses, etc, or to at least wear Christmas attire (Christmas hat, jumper, etc). We believe that this will contribute the overall performance, creating a better atmosphere and encourge the guests to be more involved.

Spacing: Due to the combination of performance, tables, guests and catering, space was something we had to consider. The event will be hosting up to sixty guests, with around 10 tables (6-8 guests per table). We suggested what would be ideal performing points for our group. We would need space at the front of the guests, where we all good be seen, but we had worked towrds the idea of focusing the performance in a circular area in the middle of the venue, surrounded by tables. This would be more immersive and also allow all guests similar range of vision and hearing. The commisioners were open to this idea and so this is porobaly the set up we will go for. We now need to vists the venue to gather further recon.

Lighting: We had some idea's for lighting for the event, but as the venue is a remote location, logistics and set up of lighting are an issue. The venue itself has no access to theatrical lighting, as there is no theatre at the campus. Therefore we will have to make use of portable and alternative lighting sources. There are many sockets available, but we will need to explore if theatrical style lighting can be applied to this event. We have for example, suggested using torchlight when we are looking to announce the murder suspect, as we would not have access to a spot light.

When to do the performance scenes- during clean up or prep etc? The commisioners had both previously attended murder mystery style dinnerevents, so it was useful to gain their perspective of this style. During the events, the performances were acted between meals. The guests started within an alternative room, at a bar, and were called into the dining area, or called to begin the event, with the announcement of the murder. This is similar to what we had imagined, when previously discussing the event in class.

One performance or 2 in 1 day: As we had no full details of the event, we had no idea if more than one performance was required during the time.

How many courses: Although this is meal realated, knowing the number of courses was integral to the performance. This is because most of the performance and performance/guest interactions are taking place during the time between courses. We needed to factor this into our performance. At this time, it is most likely that there will be 3 courses, which allows us to set up the performance into different stages. The beginning would announce the murder and introduce the suspect characters. The end will be the great unveiling of the murderer.

Confirm Location: Originally, the venue location was intended to be at the Cheltenham Campus. However, the location change to the Forest of Dean Campus. This is because the Chelthenham campus has less available space and is generally busier. The Forest of Dean campus is generally available in the evenings and has a much larger space for such events. However, as the Forest of Dean campus is in a rural area, that offers complications such as the distance that guests have to travel. On a flip side, due to my connections within the Forest, being part of a number of groups based in the Forest of Dean, I am potentially able to market tickets to members of the groups. I also live close to the campus, so on a personally level, the venue is accessible for me.

Are people working as tables or individuals: We had concerns if individual guests or couples would be tabled on their own or placed within groups. It has been confirmed that indivudal will be placed into groups for the event. Each table will host a team of around 6 people. This means that indivuals or couples do not need to be concerned that they are in a smaller team. As socialising with strangers can often be awkward, we believe that the performance will break the ice and that the guests will be focused on discussing the clues and figuring out the murder suspect.

How many seats available: Seat numbers are important when considering the space and also creating addtional materials for the event. At this time, it has confirmed the venue will host a maximum of 60 guests, with approxiamtely 10 tables.

Any set, sound and lighting we need: We would need to supply our own lighting and sound equiptment if required. There is no sound system at the venue but at this time, we believe we will be able to provide enough projection in order to be heard by all the guests, but we will experiement once we have atteneded the venue. The campus has only basic lighting that may be expected in a college or buildings in general. However we would still like to be able to use theatrical lighting in order to supplement the atmosphere of the venue and compliment the performance. We also need to consider an set pieces and props for the event. Ideas for the set could be as simple as Christmas decorations, or pieces that supplement the era. Props that we need to consider are clues such as the murder weapon and file pacts.

Budget: Most of the budget for the vent will be provided by the organisers and will mostly go towards catering. As performers, most of the resources are provided by the college and each person is working free of charge. The budget we have allocated on our end is apporixtamely £200 maximum which will be provided from the course funding. This is used to cover any additional resources we may need such as existing games we are using to base our performance, costumes and set. The college will be providing logistical support in providing a mini bus and we already have access to resources such as theatrical equiptment.

Do we eat: Although we understand as performers, we would not be provided a 3 course meal, we would still need to eat at some point. It is important to know as we would need to bring snacks, pre packed meal with us to the event. If the organisers are able to provided as food during the event, this area would be covered. It also makes sense that this is a meal event and we are providing entertainment free of charge with the use of our own time, energy and resources.

Do we have a body or outline? After disucssing previous events with the commissioners they suggested 2 options for the murder victim. 1. To have an unseen actor off stage who acts out a death sequence (screams, etc) that can be heard by the guests. 2. To have an actor come into the room after initiating a death sequence and then theatrically die in front of the guests. They are then removed from the scene. A 3rd otpion is to simply have an outline of the body that is situated in a position where the guests can see. Clues can also be scattered around the outline. At this time, we have not determined the method in which we introduce the victime. The main variables are the availbility of performers and the effectiveness of each. It may be worth exploring which we feel is the most effective, ie which of these is most likely to peak the guests interest.

Time scale of the evening so it's not overrun? As the event is on a Thursday evening, we have had to factor this into the time duration of the event. The earliest time for guest arrival has been suggested as 6:30 and to initiate and introduce the characters by 7:00pm. The latest the event time to be concurred is approxiatemly 10. With the 3 courses and various sections of performance between the hours, this provides ample time for the guests to eat, whilst allowing space for the performers to introduce their characters and interact with the guests. Overall, we are looking at the event time to be 2-2.5 hours in duration. This time covers all factors, such as the performance, eating 3 courses, discussion, revelation, and that it is a Thursday evening.

What the menu is? The menu had not been concluded at this time. As we had suggested a Christmas themed event, then the idea of a Christmas dinner also seemed ideal. This simplified the menu and also enourages the event to become a potential 'Christmas works party' option. The meal however, will not be a typical Christmas dinner, but a gourmet alternative provided by catering students. There would also need to be a vegetarian/vegan option.

Recording the performance? Due to requirments of the course, we would need to record the performance. We are most likely to record the event using a 360 degree camera, as 1 camera can cover all angles. However, guests would need to approve of being recorded on camera. It has been suggested that we included this on the tickets and also to setup the camera so if mostly captures only the performers.

Target Market: The tarket market for this event is mostly aimed at staff of the varying college campuses. This provides an upfront market of approxiatemly 700 staff. Considering there are only 60 tickets available, it is possible that staff from Glos Colleges are able to acquire all of the tickets. Each staff will also have family/friends that may also be interested in the event. Outside of this, we are able to use social media or our own networks. There are also 1000s of students distributed throughout the colleges. Due to the price, it is unlikely that individual students would attend the event, but they also have family who may be interested.

Marketing: The event will need to be marketed and advertised in order to gain interest in the event. The event is for charity so it would be ideal to reach as close to max capacity as possible. It would also ensure full teams and help cretae a better atmosphere. As the event is for charaity, people are also more likely to be willing to donate or spend more on a ticket for the venue, as it is for a good cause.

The commisioners already have their own marketing pages through face book and instagram. They also have access to mail lists in which they are able to distrubute promotional materials.

Ticket sales will also go through eventbrite, which is an online ticket distrubutor. THhankfully, the commissioners will be able to set this up. We need the link to the ticket sales page before we can actively distribute adverts. Once we have created promotional materials for the event, we will be able to pass the materials to the commisoners in order for them to distrubute through their connections and add to their social media pages.


The original intention as suggested by the organisers, was that the peformance would evolve around a 3 course meal and the venue would be Forest of Dean. As a class we visted the venue to see how we would perform within it and what equiptment we may need to take, such as lighting and sound. However, we discovered that it may not be possible to perform at the venue of the determined date. There was disucssion to see if the event could be organised for a different date at the same location. However, due to the costs involved with the meal, we would have been looking at ticket prices in the £40-50 range. This for us seemed unreasonable, as we considered that we are unlikely to sell tickets at such high a price and it would also reduce the profit margin.

*Forest of Dene Campus

*Henry Dean Hall

We had already a backup to put on the event within the college theatre, or potentially another location. However, we would not be able to provide a 3 course meal for the event. Instead, we would offer a buffet or christmas based snacks such as minced pies. We put forward the suggestion to the organisers and they are happy with our suggestion. They also offered the opporuntiy to use an alternative venue, The Henry Dean Hall. The class visted the venue, which is in close proximity to the college campus. Although the venue has many interesting features, we decided against the use of the venue. The reasons was that we have greater access to equiptment such as lighting and sound in the theatre, which we can use to add dramtic effect to the performance. The venue is also potetially in use for the time we require it. Therefore, we were able to focus on the performance venue as being in the theatre.

Once we had decided on the venue, we were able to make approximations on the amount of tables and seats we would be able to fit into the venue. Using an example of the table's available and a tape measure, we were able to estimate that we would be able to fit 12 tables, with each table holding 5 seats, putting the total venue capacity as 60. We also considered the performance space, where the actors will stand and perform. The setup means that we have space to move, but also allows interaction and intimacy. This close proximity between the guests and actors will add the the immersion and insensify the performance.

An example of a Murder Mystery Live Event

It was ineresting to review examples of this type of performance, as I had never been part of one before. This film showed how this type of event could work, the varying characters and the interaction with the audience. I was aware of people doing Murder Mysery events at home with friends and family, but not one whch is performed to an audience.

Santa's Winter Meltdown

IN class, we examined a number of existing murder mysery/who dunnit? style games. We played through each game, with actors choosing a character or role for the performance.

Who killed the chef?

This is a game I contributed after sourcing from the internet. The game had an interesting theme that was based on an award ceremony for chefs. A chef had been murdered and characters attending the events were suspects in the murder. Each had a motive, but only 1-2 characters were defined as the actualy murderer. Due to the struture of the play and limited number of actors, some of us had to play 2 characters. Although the game was interesting and provided useful incite into how a murder mysery works, the game was deemed incapitble with our production and could not be used as a basis for our performance. This was because the game required a minimum of 6 characters. Due to the number of actors available at the time, it may be possible that actors are unable to make the event and therefore required flexbility. The murderer was also pre-determined, meaning that it would make it difficult to create verying versions of the performance. This lack of flexibility means the game was unsuitable as a base for our performance.

'Murder at the Christmas Feast'

After reviewing other available games, the tutor and I were able to find a game that would be more sutiable for our performance. We had basically both found the same game via web searches. This 'murderous decisions' game advertised the flexibility we required. We played through the game, each actor intially choosing there own character. We did not have to play multiple characters. A murderer was choosen at random, by them choosing the 'murderer slip'. They were not to reveal themselves as the murderer until we played the game and made our decision. We played through the game, each actor reading out their characters details. The murderer has specific information they reveal through the duration of the game. This addtional information suggests they are more suspect than the other characters. Although I wasn't the murder, most people suspected it was me. After playing the game, it was determined that this game would be suitable base for the performance. The game has a structure that is broken into 3 acts. This seemed ideal, especially for when we had intially attended to work the performance around a 3 course meal. The game is flexible, although it offers 12 characters, it can be performed/played with 3. The game also allows us to work in a detectice/host type character, that will be based on the butler. The characters information can also be adjusted and fluffed out to make it more interesting. This particular game is Christmas themed and revolves around the murder of Nick, who dresses like a Santa. We have the option to either start with the character being dead, or we can cast someone in that role.

This video shows us playing the game. We had each choosen a chracter to play, but at this point these would probably not be the final characters. We are able to gain a lot from this play through, such as the need to play off each other and little details such as how to introduce the victim. We were also able to determine that we would need to create a script based around the information provided in the pack. A inspector charcter would be ideal for acting as a hub between characters. It would also be worth considering some connection between characters, such as are they friendly antagonistic to each other.

Character Choices

It was decided that instead of the actors simply choosing a character, specific characters would be chosen. These characters either had some kind of common motive or connection to each other, were the most interesting, or had the greatest motive/gain. I took on the responsibility to select the characters. It was suggested characters could be selected by having some association with 'DuckNicks' bottled water. However, there were not enough characters with this connection. I also felt that there were some interesting characters with alternative motives, or closer connections to Nicks, ie a family member, neighbour of ex girl friend. Therefore, my shortlist of characters were mostly those with greatest contrast or strong motives.

Character list:

Crystal Bauble - Fortune Teller

Pierce Filmlid - TV Chef, business partner

Chris Jingle - Radio DJ, neighbour

Joe Woodsmith - Handyman, works for Nick and is true owner of Manor

Candy Stocking - Sweet shop owner and niece/nephew of Nick

Gilda - Beautician, The ex

Butler/Detective (Host) - Neutral character, introduces evidence.

Nick Gifts? - The murder victim.


In class, I provided the list of characters for the play. Each actor was given opportunity to cast for each the varying characters. Some actors were simply more interested in a particular role or had ideal attributes for a particular character.

Crystal Bauble - Jessy

Pierce Filmlid - Jonathan

Chris Jingle - Connor

Joe Woodsmith - Riley

Candy Stocking - Matt

Gilda Bell - Jay

As there were more female characters than female actors, we had to make a decision on changing the characters. We decided that Candy, who was originally a female character, but with a male actor cast, would become an eccentric, Willy Wonka style, male character. Reverting from niece to nephew. This change would also require minimal alteration within the games story. A male actor was also cast as the female character, Gilda. We discussed how to adapt this character. A suggestions were making them a homosexual male. However, Jay liked the idea of playing as a woman. The decision was made that Jay would play as a female character who, in character, is potentially a man in drag. We made this decision to avoid playing a steretype and instead create a character that is potentially hiding a secret.

It was decided that it would add dramatic effect if the Nick/Santa character died at the beginning of the story. As all the actors in class has already been cast, we were open to external casting. A student actor from Level 3 (Bethany) had been interested in being part of the performance or working in the production of the event. Due to her enthusiam, it was natural to give her a role within the play. She provided a sample script for her to read. Her audition was good and she was comfortable with the direction provided. For example, she will need to introduce her character upon entry to the theatre, interact with the guests and also perform a fake death x2. Another challenge of the role, is that currently the costume for this outfit is a Santa costume. Bethany was comfortable performing in the selected costume, but it is possible that we could still change the costume when it comes to the performance.


Pierce Filmlid- Pierce is now a nationally reknowned chef, a host of the tv programme, Ready, Steady, Microwave. However, in his youth, Pierce had wanted to be a lawyer. His school grades were unfortunely poor, or at least not adequate for a career in law, so therefore had to make a change in career choice. Due to the low level of academic grades and also his interest in microwave meals (plus a name like Pierce Filmlid), Pierce decided that he would try catering. He grew a passion for catering and also to raise the standards of MIcrowave meals. After travelling around Europe in his gap year, learning from the top chefs on the mainland and experiencing local cuisine, he eventually got a job as an apprentice chef in one of Londons top restuarants. He disliked the method in which they worked and felt he his personality was more suitable for a head chef role, in a kitchen based on his techniques. After a year working the kitchen, gaining experience, he joined forces with an investor and opened his first restuarant. It wasn't long before he gained some recognition and was picked up by scouts from the tv show, 'Rready, steady, microwave'. Contrary to belief, the chefs on the show do no heat pre-existing ready meals in the micromave, but create dishes that can be cooked in microwave appliances. He became a big personality in the show and when the original host, Brachen Fitton, decided to retire and sell their shares, Pierce jumped at the change to take over the show. With the fame he has gained from the show, Pierce has gone back to his original dream and released a selection of gourment, microwave meals. UNfortunately, this is where NIck came into his business and the use of Duck NIcks water has left his product unfit for human consumption. At this time, Pierce could strangle NIck to death with his own bear hands, or slice him open with a Kitchen KNife, but would Pierce poison him?

Pierce has an interested in travelling. HIs travels are mostly food based and likes to visit countries like Italy, Spain and France. He has also visited the United States who have a diverse cuisine due to the range of nationalties but mainly for their expertise in producing ready meals. In New York he helped turn around the fortunes of some failing resturuarants. Potentially, he may be able to franchise and export his show to other countries.

Unsuprisingly, Pierce has a fierce personality. He is very tempermental and can burst into a rage at any given time when irked. Due to his success, Pierce has also become very arrogant and believes he is the best chef in the country, if not the world. He feels his success means he can act how he wants. Pierce is not scared of anyone and will pick on any weakness a person posesses. He also does not trust anyone, especially after the problems he has faced with Nick. However, despite his business issues, Pierce does not give up easily. He has built himself from the ground up and feels that despite the setback, he can still make a success of the microwave meal business. There's just the Duck Nick problem to deal with first.

Influences - Gordan Ramsey, Chef from the Forest of Dean Campus.

Rough 1st Run through:

We have not got a script at this time, other than the information provided within the game. We felt it would be useful to run through the script to see if we could create some flow with the provided information. It was also useful to add depth via improvisation.

During this time, we had opportunity to figure out where we would stand during the revelation. We had to take in account the performance space and where the guests would be seated. This was require as we wanted to use spot lights to high light each suspect and eventually the suspect would be revealed in red. We placed a mark at each position so the actors would know where to stand during this part of the performance. This was important as the spot lights are set up to spot each specific mark. When the light shines on an actor, we mock stepping forward as the supect or act awakwardly. When the light turns red, revealing the suspect, it also makes the floor surrounding the actor look like it is covered in fresh blood. I felt this contributed to the dramatic effect.

For the event, we have been able to aquire an accompianist (Nicky). She has been provided direction to impro dramatic music at certain times, or music that compliments the performance. For example, when the guests are asked to reveal their decision, they have around 60 seconds to make their final choice. During this time, Nicki will be asked to play count down music.

Nicky was provided a brief of the performance material and encouraged to play music in context with the theme.

Nicky played a version of 'Santa's coming to down', which was a slower and melachonic version of the music. This shows she had an understanding of the theme and was capable of introducing music relevent to the performance. This could be played after Santa/Nick dies. Nicky has essentially been given free reign to perform music as and when she see's fit. We have also considered pulling the piano across the performing space at the beginning of the performance.


Line Up

Jamie has taken on responsibility to create marketing material such as the poster for the event. My suggestion for the poster was that our characters should be displayed in police line up. Jamie has been able to take our individual character photos and superimpose them over a police line up wall. He had also created identification boards which displays the characters name and a humerous 'crime' they had committed. We held the board during the photo shoot.

Pierce Filmlid

The photo shoot was also useful to entering into character and gaining an understanding of the demeanour of he character via different poses. The hand on hip seems like the most appropriate pose for the character.

I also liked the black and white image from the photo shoot.

Script Reading

Run Through

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


Before this, we had mostly only read through the script, but not taken into account the staging. We set up tables around the room that demonstared where the guests will be seated. We also decided where our characters would be situated. It was decided that there would be a table on the staging for where the characters would be seated when required. The table will set the characters apart from the audiencnce, suggesting they are VIP'. At various times the characters would also come down into a thrust/arena style stage which would be situated at the centre of the theatre. This would bring the actors in close proximity to the audience. Act 1 would be mostly based upon the staging area, around the table.

Nick's body being Moved

As part of the show, it was scripted that Nick's body would be 'moved' at the beginning of Act 3. We decided that it would be funny if the body was moved literallyon stage and be visible to the audience rather than simply being read out.

To move the body, it had been suggested that 'the body' would be dragged across the floor. Although Jamie and I had no issues with this method, Bethany, who is playing Nick, was uncomfortable with this. We looked at as using a sheet either flat on the floor, or wrapped around the actor like a sack. Bethany was also uncomfortable with this and also it didn't seem to be effective. I suggested that we could use the wheel chair to move the body. We tried the wheel chair and it seemed like an ideal method.

Jamie suggested including a 'crash' within the movement, where Bethany would fall from the chair at the mid section of the movement. We demonstrated methods of falling from the chair that are natural and safe. We also suggested that she would need to help the assistant when she is placed back in the chair. On the surface this seemed simple, but actually there were technical difficulties. When the actor is lifted back into the chair, the chair would move or roll back. This created a potential hazard where the actors could be injured (for real).We tried different methods, such as holding the break and putting a foot behind the wheel. However, we eventually realised that be simply putting the back of the chair against the staging with steady the chair. Although it took some time, the actors (Bethany and Fernando), were eventually able to do the lifting safely, without moving the chair. Bethany has also been provided safety equiptment, such as knee pads, in order to allow a more dramatic and prevent risk of injury. The assitant would also need to ensure Bethany's hands are placed in a safe position.

To add to the movement, I suggested the assitant could manipulate Nick's arm into a wave and make a reference, such as "Ho, Ho, ho, merry Christmas". This added extra comedy to the sequence.

We are getting close to the point now where we have most of the script to heart and also now have directives. Coming off script has allowed us to add some provised moments to the dialogue. My character mentions anitfreeze several times during the performance. It has been encouraged that the dialogue from the inspector relfects this. Running through the script has also allowed us to narrow the performance to approxiamtely an hour in length. This is when also taking into consideration the intervals, audience questioning and improvised moments.

Annotated Script

The script was based loosely around the original game that we used for the performance. There were some details that we useful and parts of the script had been taken directly from the game. However, although the game contained information, it was not useful as a script. It did not have the form necessary, such as their were times that characters asked questions on what information they were to reveal. We decided that the characters would provide all the information if it was relevant. The information was also lacking depth. We modified the script to add more detail to the information and making changes to bring it in line to our vision. Several members of the group took turns in writing the script at various stages. Jamie took the script towards the final version and I helped him to finalise the script. The performance was not entirely scripted itself, with the script acting as a base. There was a lot of room for improvisation, such as interactions between characters, with the inspector and of course the audience. The word 'antifreeze' was notable as being a stimulus for impro and extended dialogue. Some things my character would say is “write that down” or “make note of that inspector”. My character also saw Chris as an idiot, due to the backstory of Chris being on his show, being the person who 'put antifreeze' on the meat' and other mishaps. So during the performance I would mutter words along the lines of him being an idiot.

At that of our movement and action was also scripted. This was important as we needed to make best use of the space. As the audience were arranged in a curve around the performers, we needed to ensure that we were facing all audience members as much as possible. There were also times when we needed to be specific positions. This was most notable when the murderer was being revealed at the end. Spot lights had been set up for each character and we needed to be on the mark. Another example is when we are each grabbing the coal. The coal was a prop gift that Nick gets the characters for Christmas. We take turns in handling the coal and either the coal is passed on, or stolen by another character. Although each characters personality and mannerisms had been developed individually, the movements were directed via the group. We worked to what seemed natural or had the most effect.

360 Recording

Post performance discussion

End Term Evaluation

The show was performed as planned on the 8th of December. I had some concerns before the performance, that the audience would possibly be too small in number and that I would forget some of my lines. However, we found out before the event, that there would be an audience of at least 38. Although short of our target of 50, it seemed like a decent sized crowd. I interacted with the audience when they were seated and played on my character personality. I acted as a narcissistic TV celebrity chef who was easily offended by the audience not knowing of the TV personality or his show, Ready Steady Microwave. It was quite funny when some audience played along and revealed that they had some familiarity with the show. I also offered autographs and signed photo's during this time. It was funny that some guests were actually interested. I replied that they could make at least £25 selling the signed photo's on eBay.

When it came to performing, I had concerns that I would forget my lines, particularly the section where there is an exchange with Jay/Gilda. This is the part where we have an argument. However, by the time of the performance I was able to recall my lines without flaws. There was some improvisation during various sections of dialogue and this had the ability to effect my recall. However, I was able to roll the impro into the scripted dialogue without issue during the event. I think my ability to prioritise script recall over study, was important to this factor.

Overall, I believe the performance was a huge success. The crowd seemed interested and willing to engage. The organisers were also very happy with the event. At times, some actors may have forgotten their lines, but they use improvised action to create interesting pauses until they were able to recall the script. I was very proud of the actors ability in not freezing during this moment, as this is one of the most dreaded parts of acting. Overall, I was delighted with the actors enthusiasm for the event and how contrasting characters had been created. The lighting and music also enhanced the performance, making it more professional and perhaps adding something that is not always available in this type of performance. I also received some positive feedback from audience members at the end of the show in regards to our performance and this shows that we had created a quality and engaging piece of theatre.

I would be interested in partaking in this type of performance again, perhaps using the same characters, or maybe devising a story from scratch. Murder Mysteries have the potential to be performed in multiple venue types, such as restaurants and hotels and are not restricted to a stage like traditional theatre. In fact, it works better when the actors are performing amongst and in close proximity to the audience. It is perhaps even my favourite type of performance due to the being able to play a character that interacts with the audience in this way. I enjoyed working as a producer on this event and being able to provide input on different levels. Not only did I play a character, but elements such as problem solving, creative input and communication with the organisers contributed to the event. I also ensured a democratic approach was taken during the event, with the cast having an equal say in how things rolled. The cast had various interests in roles and what they wanted to contribute. I encouraged them to act on their interests. At all times I was supportive and assisted them with anything they needed help with. I worked particularly close with Jamie, who had worked on promotional material and finalising the script. I was able to suggest changes and pick out details such as spelling mistakes that needed to be corrected.

This has been a challenging term, having to manage the acting with the production unit. I also have personal issues do deal with, which has become more severe since breaking my rib in the summer. I have some days where I have been sharp, but mostly I have had to drag myself through each class. I am also part of groups outside of college. I feel that at this moment I have over stretched myself and taking on too much. I need to consider my associations for the time being and focus more on my college work in order to gain most from my time in college. I enjoy working with the students and tutor in class and I feel happiest when I am in college or in the theatre.

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