One Note Samba
The One Note Samaba is a useful song for training and warmup exercises. The song encourages the singer to listen to the music and follow the rythm and changes. The singer needs to remember the notes they have used and the song also requires the singer to work through a sequentinal range of notes. The range is of around an octave, which is the equivalent of of eight notes from low to high. This song has encouraged me to stay higher and find my mid range.
Series of differences warmups. Using sounds such as lah, mee and boo. These sounds naturally access different keys, such as mee being higher and 'boo' lower. Singing each of these sounds through scales helps warmup up different muscles, but also to exercise and shape the vocal chords. Lahs are most neutral, useful for opening the throat. Chanting is using simplfied sounds in a musical manner is softer on the chords and thereforeis ideal for warmup.
Piano scales are useful warmup up and training exercise. Playing scales helps to find vocal range. Using this exercise helps tune my voice to a specific note. Using lahs, mees or boos can be used to help find the note. I am finding that my comfort zone is now higher and i am more relaxed
Moon River
Moon River is a song i have used for training my voice. The song was recommended as I got into a habbit of belting most songs. I also have some familiarity with the song. The song is used to help soften the voice and encourage me to be gentle. It is something i had originally but had become focused on projection and technique. The song is cyclical, with a pattern that is easy to follow. There a rise at the end of the verse before falling soft again. I have found through this song, that I did not need to be so assertive whilst singing
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